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Alison Liu Certified

Private VIP

Tour Guide/Owner


Alison Liu, founder of Alison Liu VIP Tours, brings over ten years of distinguished experience as a Chinese Certified Tour Guide. Prior to establishing her own venture, Alison worked extensively as a tour guide contractor for various reputable travel agencies. She holds an English Interpreter Certificate from Tianjin Foreign Studies University.

In addition to her tour guide expertise, Alison is a dedicated English instructor, teaching students ranging from elementary to university levels across China. Her comprehensive understanding of the English language has enabled her to effectively communicate and cater to a diverse client base.

Residing in Tianjin, Alison possesses in-depth knowledge of both Tianjin and Beijing, offering unique insights and personalized experiences to her clients. Her tours are designed to deliver the most intimate and exclusive VIP experiences, reflecting her commitment to excellence.

Alison is recognized for her maturity, professionalism, organization, and reliability. Her energetic and confident demeanor, coupled with her resourcefulness and trustworthiness, ensures that every VIP tour is not only memorable but also exceeds expectations.

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